
Check out what's happening in Werkstattl's world.

Update Shopware 6 with composer update --no-scripts

Learn how to update Shopware 6 with a alternative composer command. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for a hopefully seamless update process.

How to Fix the Qwik Framework Sharp Error on Termux

If you encounter the `sharp` module error when running `npm start` on your Android device, there's a simple solution.

How to Release an Android App Update with PWABuilder

Explore step-by-step guidelines on how to seamlessly roll out updates for your Android app using PWA Builder. Enhance user experience with the latest features and improvements.

Publishing Android Apps with PWABuilder and GitHub Pages: Tips & Tricks

Discover how to seamlessly publish Android apps with PWABuilder when hosted on GitHub Pages. Learn tips on ensuring a native-like experience without browser bars and addressing the `.well-known` folder issue with Jekyll.